At the Circus — Big Tips for the Big Top

Posted on Aug 10, 2022

Chances are, you have some fond memories of being at the circus as a pipsqueak yourself, and now you get to re-experience all that wonder through your little one’s eyes. Before you go, consider that there are different kinds of circuses: the (very loud) three-ring show, where three different acts perform at once; the one-ring show, which is more intimate (and maybe more mellow); and the animal-free circus, which features only human acts of daring, like acrobatics and aerial feats, and, of course, clowns. What you pick depends on your personal preference, your price range, and what’s available in your town. No matter which you choose, there are simple strategies that’ll help this kids' outing be a rousing success.

When to go to the circus

Good news for little guys and gals who like to make a racket: They can clap, hoot and holler and they’ll fit right in at the circus. The downside of all the noise is that it can overwhelm a little kid, especially when you add in the crowds, the dark, the animals and all those new smells (like elephant poop). Another difficult factor: Your child will need to stay seated during the show, which typically runs at least an hour, sometimes over two, with intermission. And since tickets (to the big shows at least) aren’t cheap, it isn’t the ideal event to attend with the intention of just trying it out for a little while and leaving. All of which means that a child’s first circus visit is best reserved for older toddlers approaching preschool age.

Before you’re at the circus

  • Give her a taste of the tent. Your tot may be more comfortable and engaged at a circus for children if she has an idea of what to expect. Check out picture books about being at the circus, or to give her an even more vivid preview, visit the circus’s website to watch video clips of the various acts.
  • Address her fears. Of course you can’t know how your child will react to something she’s never seen before, but you might get a hint at home when it comes to potentially scary circus stuff. As you’re reading books about the circus or watching those video clips, pay attention to the things that might frighten your tyke. If your child seems to have a fear of clowns or other characters (and many little ones do), explain that clowns wear lots of paint on their faces to make them look funny. If she’s terrified of tigers (or other hairy, big-toothed creatures), tell her they’re trained to do tricks and she can watch them from far away. If your explanations don’t seem to calm her concerns, hold off on buying circus tickets for a while.
  • Nix the nuts. Peanuts and the circus go hand in hand, but that doesn’t mean that a child with a peanut allergy can’t enjoy the greatest show on earth. Many venues are now aware of this issue, and some offer a totally peanut-free circus or a peanut-free seating section for children with food allergies.
  • Pack for snack attacks. Concessions at the circus are almost as famous as the acts themselves, with stands selling cotton candy (sticky), ice cream (sloppy) and popcorn (choking hazard). Your best defense against these snack no-nos for children at the circus: Bring your own mom-approved treats to serve up instead.
  • Plan for the potty. Most circuses have some kind of bathroom, but it won’t be ideal for munchkins in the midst of potty-training (Porta-Johns are really tough for little ones, as is waiting on long lines at intermission). Be sure to use the bathroom at home and again before you take your seats. And consider dressing your tyke in training underwear (just this once) should she spring a leak with all the excitement.

While you're at the circus

  • Have some learning fun. Incorporate some learning activities into your big day out. Ask your tot to point out the things she saw in her picture books or on the video clips you watched at home. Which clown looks happy? Which looks sad? Help her name the different animals and practice the sounds they make (just like you would during a zoo visit). Then challenge her to a roaring contest.
  • Take a break from the action. If your tot gets overstimulated by all the sights and sounds or frightened by a particular act, seek out a quiet spot for a few minutes and see if she calms down. But remember, no matter the ticket cost, if she’s no longer enjoying the show, it’s best to call it a day and go home. You’ll both be better off.

After the circus

  • Join the circus (at home). They don’t call them “death-defying” feats for nothing. Most of the tricks that circus artists perform, from sword swallowing to high-flying leaps, aren’t meant for your darling daredevil (or anyone, really) to attempt. You can, however, bring the circus home with tweaks to keep your tot (and your furniture) safe from mishaps. Convert your living room into a big top, and crown your kiddo ringmaster. Your tot can be a tumbler (on a carpet or a couple of big pillows), tightrope-walker (lay down a line of masking tape), silly clown (a little lipstick on the nose does the trick), juggler (pull out a ball or two) and tamer of wild animals (perhaps her teddy bear will volunteer). And after each act have her take a giant bow!

Original article: At the Circus — Big Tips for the Big Top 

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